
This is the world's tallest skycoaster, over 300ft.
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My name is Allen. I am always seeking a new challange. This page contains a few of the hairbrained things I have done in the name of fun. As you can see in the pic, this is large swing. It is called SkyCoaster. I have been on this at least 4 times.
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This is where I bungee jumped.
I do not live in a fanatsy world, rather it lives in me. It is the quest for something different, not curiosty that drives us. There is a saying that if we ever discover why we are here and how it started it will instanly dissapear and be replaced by something even more bizzaar and unexplainable. Some say it has already happened. Here is the Bungee tower I jumped from over 2 hundred times. The picture has been taken from 1 hundred feet in the air. I am on top of the SkyCoaster where I used to work.

cool huh?
This called Sky Venture.
I got into this to get ready for sky diving. I have yet to get the money to do it, I have the nerve. When I do make it, I will take me camera along. This is a wind tunnel to practice freefalling, and trust me, that is exactly what it feels like. I loved every minute of it.

If you want to help send me falling towards the earth, just send me some e-mail, who knows maybe I can talk you into going with me.

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